Karate on the top of the finger

A little standing action
This blog follows my experience with the Peace Corps in Mali. The views and opinions expressed here do not reflect those of the United States Peace Corps, the United States government, nor the Malian government. They are only my own. Enjoy.
Hi Dave
this is your birthday cousin Mekenzie [and Emma too]. We all miss you.
Me and mom and Emma and Cousin Tina are here at your mom and dad's house visiting.
Your mom and dad showed us the videos from when they were in Africa with you.
We loved the one of you showing Uncle David and Hilary how to eat Toh. Does it taste good? It looks really gross!
Guess what? There's gonna be another September cousin coming in the fall! Mommy is having a baby so I am going to be a big sister again, and now Emma is going to be a big sister too!!!! The baby's name will be Kayden because it can be a boy or girl name!
Hey Dave
Remember us? Been trying to call you for a week now! Hope you are ok. Sure you are just in village and busy with projects.
The Fam
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